序号 | 论文题目(中文) | 论文题目(英文) |
1 | 中国平面食品广告语篇的多模态话语分析 | A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Chinese Print Food Advertisements |
2 | 形式与内涵:《奥兰多:一部传记》中的女性主义叙事 | The Outer and the Inner: The Feminist Narrative in Orlando: A Biography |
3 | 中英文生活故事采访节目的会话结构对比分析 | A Comparative Analysis of Conversation Structure between Chinese and English Life-story Interview Programs |
4 | 对奥尼尔作品中失败人物的存在主义解读---浅论《天边外》,《长夜漫漫》和《送冰人来了》 | On the Failures of the Characters in Eugene O’Neill’s Works in Existentialism ---in Exploration of Beyond the Horizon, Long Day’s Journey into Night and The Iceman Cometh |
5 | 图示理论在雅思听力中的应用 | The Application of Schema Theory in IELTS Listening |
6 | 英语专业员工词汇水平发展及其词汇策略研究 | Vocabulary Learning of English Majors:Its Development and Strategies |
7 | 隐喻与构式互动机制研究 | The Interaction between Metaphors and Constructions |
8 | 从双重压迫到身心解放——《紫色》中西丽觉醒过程中的象征主义解读 | From Double Oppression to Physical and Spiritual Liberation--Decoding the Symbols in the Process of Celie’s Awakening in The Color Purple |
9 | 政治新闻语篇的批评隐喻分析—以2012年美国总统竞选为例 | A Critical Metaphor Analysis of Political News Discourse—A Case of the 2012 American Presidential Election |
10 | 论词汇、句法与连贯特征对英语作文质量的影响——基于四六级作文语料库的研究 | The Impacts of Lexical, Syntactic and Cohesive Features on the Quality of EFL Writing: A Study Based on CLEC |
11 | 从评价理论介入视角剖析罗斯福炉边谈话关于经济振兴类演讲 | An Analysis of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Fireside Chats on Economic Revival—From the Perspective of Engagement in Appraisal Theory |
12 | 《了不起的盖茨比》女性主义解读:黛西,盖茨比美国梦的受害者 | A Feminist Interpretation of The Great Gatsby: Daisy as the Victim of Gatsby's American Dream |